Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Cellphone's Broke

Everyone of us gives importance or value on something we owned or something given by others to us.Like my cellphone, it wasn't given to me by others but it was given by me to me.(hehe) I gave importance to it because I worked harder just to earn money so that I can able to buy a cellphone for myself. I'm studying that time, and just few of us has no cellphones, I can't contact my Aunt who send me to school. If I have vacant time I worked at the Registrar's office at 10 pesos an hour,that was back in 2002.Im telling the truth 10 pesos an hour, can you imagine that! And you know what my friends, my son dropped and broke my phone.I'm so upset and sad because it's so valuable to me. I have to do something so that I can buy new one.(huhuhu)...

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